About Me

I have been seriously researching my family roots for the last ten years. My ancestors are predominantly Germans who settled in Pennsylvania from the late 1600s to the mid 1700s, but I also have roots in Massachusetts, New York, New Jersey, and Virginia/West Virginia. Naturally, I live in Maryland, a state they predominantly skipped! My goal is to track each branch back to the first immigrant, and I have compiled an impressive list of "begats." But I am now learning the joy of digging deeper into the stories of my ancestors, exploring their lives in the context of history (something I never appreciated before), and reflecting on what they mean to me and my family.

I hope you enjoy the stories and that perhaps they inspire you to ask about your family histories and perhaps document your own stories for those who come after you. Comments are welcome!



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    1. Please contact me at cindi_davis@att.net. Phillip Jacob is also my 4th great-grandfather.

  2. Looks like we are family :) William Rittenhousen as well as Jost Hite are my great grandfathers!

    1. Hi, Rose,
      Very interesting, because that would mean we are related on both my maternal (Hite) and paternal (Rittenhouse) lines.

      From Jost Hite I descend Jacob > Mary married Nathaniel Manning etc

      From Wilhelm Rittenhouse the papermaker, I descend through Nicholas > William Dewees > then a double line through Nicholas and Henry, etc.

      What are your lines of descent?

